

ピアニスト 関 治子(せき・はるこ)/Haruko Seki



関治子は音楽評論誌『Musical Opinion』にて「音楽を通して聴衆とコミュニケーションをとる天性の力を備えたピアニスト」と評されており、英国の主要な音楽ホール、ウィグモアやフェアフィールドホール、サウスバンクをはじめ、欧州、アメリカ、アジアでも演奏を重ね、まさに世界を魅了している。

Haruko Seki, described by “Musical Opinion” as a pianist with an innate ability to communicate with her audience” has performed at many major UK venues including St John's Smith Square, The South Bank, Wigmore and Fairfield Halls.  Internationally she has performed in Europe, America and the Far East - Her appeal is truly global!


An Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, Haruko studied under the auspices of Piers Lane, Kathron Sturrock and Christopher Elton, completing her Master's and graduating with the Academy's highest performance award, Recital Diploma.The Times  has referred to her playing as being bathed in tonal beauty..took one off into a world of serene enchantment.


Her inspiration is derived from a cross fertilisation of poetry as well as music, having obtained her first BA Degree in English literature prior to coming to the UK to pursue her musical passion. She has competed internationally, winning First Prize in the USA's St Charles Illinois International Piano Competition in 1997, Croydon Symphony Soloist Award, Brant Piano Competion ( UK)   among others.


Haruko's broad repertoire as a Concerto Pianist encompasses over 25 concertos while amongst her solo repertoire she has taken a special interest in neglected works by Saint-Saëns , William Alwyn and Cyril Scott.

いまや人生の大半を英国で過ごしてきたため、英国と日本の「音楽の架け橋」としての役割を新たに見出しており、近年は英国やアイルランドの比較的無名の作曲的な作品を日本で紹介するプロジェクトを成功させた。2018年春に日本で『イノック・アーデン(アルフレッド・テニスン作詞/R シュトラウス作曲』を英語と日本語で上演した際には高く評価され、その夏に4回にわたって再演された。

Having now spent much of her life in the UK, Haruko now sees opportunity to act as a musical channel between the British Isles and Japan and has recently completed a successful project in Japan promoting the works of lesser known composers of Britain and Ireland. This spring her performance of Enoch Arden in Japan both in English and in Japanese ( Alfred, Lord Tennyson / R. Strauss ) was highly acclaimed by critics and will be repeated 4 times this summer in Japan.

近年のコンサートには、セント・ジョンズ・スミス・スクエアでのベートーヴェンピアノ協奏曲第5番「皇帝」をはじめとして、ハロウ & ライスリップ・フェスティバル、英国各地の音楽協会や音楽会での演奏があるほか、リンカンシャーにおけるラロのピアノ協奏曲、ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番、バッキングハム・サマー・フェスティバル、ハーロウ・サマー・フェスティバルなどへの出演が予定されている。

Recent performances include Beethoven Piano Concerto No 5 " Emperor " at St. Johns' Smith Square, Harrow & Ruislip Festival , music societies and soiree throughout Britain. Forthcoming engagements include Lalo Piano Concerto and Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2 in Lincolnshire, Buckingham Summer Festival, Harrow Summer Festival and music societies in the UK.



The Times referred to her playing as being “bathed in tonal beauty” and whose "vivid colouristic strokes... took one off into a world of serene enchantment"


Cambridge Network: Classical review described,
" 'Dazzling virtuosity' is overused in the lexicon of classical music reviews, but Haruko Seki deserves it with knobs on. She was soloist in a breathtaking account of Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F given at West Road by the Cambridge Orchestra. So fluid, passionate and supercharged with energy was her outstanding performance that it put the other two works into the shade."


Musical Opinion described her as “a pianist with an innate ability to communicate with her audience, and an eagerness to share her own evident enjoyment in the music she offered... Her Chopin exuded both poetry and controlled panache... with a power and dexterity that revealed an impressively secure technique”.


Music & Vision wrote about her CD of Saint-Saens Piano solo works; “The admirable Japanese pianist, Haruko Seki, applies her refreshing lightness of touch to some of the solo piano pieces. Her immaculate attention to detail is as ravishing as her care over the larger picture…. I would be surprised if Saint-Saens could remain indifferent to performances of this caliber.”


The Birmingham Post “a stunning account from a pianist who obviously loves playing, communicating her delight vividly to the audience”.

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