「樂 together」は札幌でもその経験をわかちあいたいという思いからスタートしました。夏の7週間にわたってワークショップや個人レッスンを重ね、「同好の士たちと音楽する喜び」を体験します。プレイヤーや聴講生には、英国のピアノ検定ABRSMのグレード5(ブルグミュラー完了程度)以上の方でしたらどなたでも参加できます。この試みがユニークなのは、プロのピアニストと愛好家が力を合わせて公開コンサートを開くことです。毎年なにかしらの「テーマ」を決めているのも特徴です。今年は2019年8月31日に札幌の豊平館で開催します。
関 治子
Hi there,
are a group called " GAKU TOGETHER " , a group of music lovers, in
particular, we are enthusiastic about piano music. We find it a great pleasure to share our joy of music
with like-minded people through workshops and individual lessons over seven
weeks in summer. Anyone who is above ABRSM Grade 5 (equivalent to completion
of Burgmuller) is welcome to join us as a performer or alternatively as an
observer in our workshops . This group
is unique in that a professional pianist and amateur piano lovers meet and work
toward making a public concert which will take place in Hoheikan,
Sapporo, on 31st August 2019. Each year, we choose a different theme and
make a programme based on it----this year's theme is " Piano & Words
Over the last ten years, I have been
teaching at Morley College in London. My courses are wide ranging, from
beginners' course to advanced level. The students come from all walks of
life, reflecting London's diversity in ethnicity, religion and
belief. It is very inspiring to see many older generations continue
to have a passion to learn. I have many students in their 80s or even
90s, who are studying with teenagers! People from all walks of
life, different races, religions, beliefs, and sexual oriatations are united
simply because we all love playing the piano!
I am the course leader, Haruko Seki, a concert pianist based in both in Sapporo and in London. I have performed extensively in UK, Europe, USA and of course in my native country Japan. I studied at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated with the Academy's highest performance award, Recital Diploma. Prior to coming to the UK, I obtained my first BA degree in English Literature from Hokkaido University, hence my great interest in exploring meeting points between music and literature. This summer I would like to organise our third summer seminar "GAKU TOGETHER" with the subtitle "Piano & Words", featuring piano music inspired by poetry and legend. Please see the programme attached ( or below??)
I am the course leader, Haruko Seki, a concert pianist based in both in Sapporo and in London. I have performed extensively in UK, Europe, USA and of course in my native country Japan. I studied at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated with the Academy's highest performance award, Recital Diploma. Prior to coming to the UK, I obtained my first BA degree in English Literature from Hokkaido University, hence my great interest in exploring meeting points between music and literature. This summer I would like to organise our third summer seminar "GAKU TOGETHER" with the subtitle "Piano & Words", featuring piano music inspired by poetry and legend. Please see the programme attached ( or below??)
Haruko Seki
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